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Mom + Baby Groups

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to find mom friends, especially while you are in the trenches of new motherhood? 

Do you find yourself having questions surrounding baby care and development that you wouldn't have thought to ask during those baby prep classes (or you have forgotten what they said once sleep deprivation took over)?

Do you have concerns about your own postpartum body and mind and have no clue how to recover while also carrying for a cute (totally helpless) little one?

Do you just plain feel overwhelmed by the motherhood journey?

Stronger Together mom + baby groups, to the rescue!! 

We put together the need for mom camaraderie, baby playdates, and feeling comfortable and confident with baby growth and postpartum recovery, into one awesome small group setting.


Over a series of 6 sessions in 6 weeks, you will get to know your mom crew, while also learning a ton of useful info, AND letting your little one socialize and be a baby! We offer a variety of small group cohort types/themes, to truly hone in on that feeling of solidarity among group members. Come as you are - we love our comfy, relaxed, no-judgment vibe here! 

Each small group gets to enjoy the coveted "coffee and chat week," where you can really vibe with your people. This is in addition to the other 6 weeks of support and learning.

Class runs 75-90 minutes each week. We follow the same format each time you come, so your tired mama brain doesn't have to overthink.​ We cover a lot of ground, and send emails with re-caps, so you don't have to memorize it all!

Info is brought to you straight from a 2-time mama with a nearly 15 year background in OT and rehabilitation of the body and mind after injury, illness, surgery, and giving birth.

AND... there is a FREE bonus for signing up and attending a group series! You will get access to our Members-Only Vault with video and PDF content to review and practice the strategies in your own time. 

Check out our list of groups and calendar of new cohort start dates to join

the group that best fits YOU!

Join us in the mama support movement. You deserve it!

Vault Access

Mom Crew
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