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Video Demo 1: How to do a "Log Roll"

While you are still in the hospital after having a C-Section, you may find yourself trying to figure out how the heck to get up or even just roll over in bed without wincing (or maybe crying) in pain.

One bonus of hospitals, despite the constant parade of people coming in and the impossibility of getting good rest even though that's what you're supposed to do, is the good old hospital bed! That thing can raise you up to help you sit up before you try to get out of it, and it has bed rails so you can use your arms to pull you to get comfy or stand up easier.

But what happens when you get home and no longer have this "luxury"? You still have to get up and take care of baby, and yourself! In comes the Log Roll. Get to know it, get to love it!

To review these steps:

  1. Start from lying flat on your back

  2. Bend your knees, and bring your legs up toward your chest with your feet flat on the bed

  3. Keep everything moving as one unit: think about your shoulders, hips, and knees staying in line, like a log!

  4. Reach across your body and roll to the side, toward the edge of the bed

  5. To sit up, push up using your arms and legs - big muscles that can help boost you so you don't have to depend on your sore abdomen and belly

If you have specific questions for your particular situation, lifestyle, and needs, reach out for a free 20 minute consult to see if mighty mOThers is a good fit for you!

Disclaimer: Content provided by mighty mOThers, LLC is informational in intent, and is not meant to replace or contradict guidance provided by your personal doctor, therapist, or other healthcare practitioner. Please contact your healthcare provider or schedule a 1:1 evaluation with an OT with specific concerns, and call 911 if you are having a physical or mental health emergency.

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