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Take our pregnancy/postpartum poll for a chance to win a fun mighty mOThers water tumbler!

mighty mOThers is forging forward with big plans! Our newest Postpartum Prep class is underway, and we are so excited to offer it to mamas in their 2nd, 3rd, and "4th" trimesters to help them focus on THEIR physical and mental needs once baby arrives! After all, knowledge is power!!

Since the founder and lead Mom Mentor, Natalie, has a background in occupational therapy, and OTs are always on a mission to provide data to back their theories, we are conducting a very important survey and NEED YOUR HELP! The plan is to bring real information with real numbers to the OBGYNs and Midwives locally (and eventually, nationally!) so that they can make an informed decision about whether they should refer mamas to classes like these.

Please answer as honestly as possible! For this survey, consider what you learned specifically from your healthcare providers (OBGYN, Midwife, doula, lactation specialist, class offered at the hospital, mother/baby nurse, etc.), as opposed to what you may have learned from family/friends.

Thank you so much for your time! By filling this form out, you will be automatically entered into a drawing for a fun mighty mOThers water tumbler (Natalie will reach out to you personally if you are the randomly selected winner!) Participation in this survey and provision of your contact information is completely voluntary.

How many years ago was your first child born?

  • Not born yet - still pregnant

  • 0-1 years ago

  • 2-5 years ago

  • 5-10 years ago

What did you learn that helped you feel prepared to heal your postpartum body/mind?

  • What PPD/PPA is

  • How to heal my core

  • How to heal my pelvic floor

  • When to seek help for my body/mind

What do you wish you had been given more information about to be better prepared to heal your postpartum body/mind?

  • The difference between baby blues and PPD/PPA

  • How to heal/manage my changed body

  • When to reach out for help

  • Common issues with the core/pelvic floor to look for

What resources were provided to you to help you learn about your postpartum needs?

  • Postpartum prep class offered during pregnancy

  • Appt with OBGYN/Midwife

  • Discharge packet

  • Other healthcare professional appt

If you felt you should have been given more resources/info, when would you have preferred to receive it?

  • 2nd trimester

  • 3rd trimester

  • "4th trimester" (few months after baby arrives)

  • Once the 4th trimester is long gone (4+ months after birth)

If taking a class to give you info on postpartum prep, what do you believe would be the best option? (In person, Live but virtual, Recorded)

  • Live and in person

  • Live but virtual (Zoom, etc)

  • Recorded class

Send me a quick email to say you entered, and I will put you in the raffle!

Disclaimer: Content provided by mighty mOThers, LLC is informational in intent, and is not meant to replace or contradict guidance provided by your personal doctor, therapist, or other healthcare practitioner. Please contact your healthcare provider or schedule a 1:1 evaluation with an OT with specific concerns, and call 911 if you are having a physical or mental health emergency.

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