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Some common reasons to seek postpartum OT

Being pregnant and giving birth - no matter the type of birth - brings any number of big and small changes to your physical, mental, and emotional self. While you are trying to transition from your pre-mom body and brain to the new version of you, you also have to figure out the ever-changing needs of a tiny, fragile, sometimes angry, newborn. Doing all of that on very little sleep and with hormones that are all over the place is NOT easy. Somehow we women are expected to bounce right back to socializing, working, taking care of everyone, and of course, doing plenty of "self-care." We're also supposed to look good doing it!

Well, I'm here to tell you that despite what Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest might lead you to believe, being a new mama (however many times over) is not all perfect outfits, smiles, and poses for the camera. And it's not all women just magically knowing how to juggle things and dealing with this enormous life transition seamlessly. In fact, a lot of women are scared, anxious, traumatized, and feel all alone. But it doesn't have to be taboo to talk about the hard stuff while still appreciating your tiny, cute, and confusing bundle. And you DON'T have to do this alone.

Let's break down some of the more common postpartum concerns that may be impacting not only you as a person separate from "Jack's Mom," but also your ability to care for Jack. And remember: you are NOT alone.

1. Pain. Your body just went through a tsunami inside and out. Things stretched, organs moved around, weight and fluid levels changed. Plus, hormones. Then birth happened and what the heck was that?! If any of those things didn't cause pain, the repetitive motions and funky positions of motherhood may have. Some (but not all) types of pain you may be having:

  • c-section scar/surgical pain

  • vaginal/pelvic pain from birth and possibly tears

  • uterine cramping

  • nipple pain/cracking

  • back, neck, shoulder pain from leaning over to feed/bathe/diaper

  • arm/hand/carpal tunnel pain from hormones changing and/or repetitive use

  • shoulder or neck tension from odd positions/stress

  • hormonal or epidural headaches/migraines

  • other random aches, pains, strains

2. Stress. Going through any major life change takes a toll - even if the change was overall a good one. The exciting, joyful experience of bringing a baby into the world is a huge transition time for a new mama. There are all new routines that have to be squeezed into an already busy life to meet the baby's needs while still meeting your own. It may be tricky to figure out how and when to ask for help, or even to find a village in the first place. Partners often start to argue more - anything from yelling about who needs to help with diapers to competing over who got the most sleep is fair game. And again...lack of sleep and hormones!

3. Strain on daily living. It is hard to figure out how to get back to meaningful life activities when there's a tiny, needy baby along for the ride. How do you shower? Do laundry? Cook? Let alone figure out getting back to whatever exercise routine you had, or getting back to work while still trying to bond and figure out feeding.

Of course there are plenty of amazing and wonderful things that happen while you are learning about your new babe, and none of the points above are meant to diminish that in any way. Just know that the real, raw, hard is common and out there more than you know, and we can change the narrative to getting women the help and support they need and deserve.

Disclaimer: Content provided by mighty mOThers, LLC is informational in intent, and is not meant to replace or contradict guidance provided by your personal doctor, therapist, or other healthcare practitioner. Please contact your healthcare provider or schedule a 1:1 evaluation with an OT with specific concerns, and call 911 if you are having a physical or mental health emergency.

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