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New Blog Series Alert!

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Starting in December, be on the lookout for "MamaMatters," a series that will include YOUR motherhood stories.

Did you know? Telling a story is powerful. It has epic benefits to the storyteller herself, while also encouraging and supporting the reader. When you tell a personal story, you get to experience catharsis, healing, and empowerment. Your reader feels less alone, and may feel inspired. Win-Win!

As an OT, I see the benefits of storytelling on a daily basis. Sharing and processing an experience is so important to the human experience.

Now, let's share YOUR story related to your motherhood journey. Each month, we will incorporate specialized topics. Some may be relevant to a particular Awareness Month, some may highlight a particular shared experience among a group (for lack of a better word), and some may be more "general" to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. I want input from moms of all ages and experiences in motherhood, from young to old, from wanting to start a family to having started a family 50+ years ago! YOUR story is important.

Here are just some examples I have brainstormed so far. If you have something that is not on this list, please email me at



-National Breastfeeding Month

-Cervical and other GYN-related cancer month (as related to pregnancy/birth/postpartum/motherhood)

-Disability Awareness and pregnancy/postpartum

-Poverty Awareness and pregnancy/postpartum

-LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

-Birth Defect Awareness Month

-Women in Sports Month (moms who resumed or plan to resume athletics)

-Maternal Mental Health Awareness

-Infertility Awareness

-Mental Health in Minority Communities Awareness (pertaining to pregnancy/postpartum)

-C-Section Awareness

-Traumatic Birth Awareness

-Black History Month (and stories regarding pregnancy/postpartum for this community)

-Purity Culture awareness

-Congenital Heart Defect Awareness

And the list goes on! Some Awareness Months may not be directly related to pregnancy/birth/postpartum/motherhood in theory (or at least when they were created), but I have brainstormed ways to blend these topics and make them relevant to motherhood.

If you're a planner, here are the months to look forward to (keep in mind, submissions will go ahead of the month so that they can be ready to send out during the month that corresponds to the topic!) Topics will not necessarily be limited to these specific awareness month groups.

December: general motherhood

January: Poverty Awareness, Cervical Cancer Awareness, Girls + Women in Sports, Birth Defect Awareness

February: American Heart Month, Congenital Heart Defect Awareness, Black History Month

March: Disability Awareness, MS Awareness, Kidney Disease Awareness

April: C-Section Awareness

May: Maternal Mental Health Awareness, Teen Pregnancy Awareness

June: LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, Infertility Awareness

July: Mental Health in Minority Communities Awareness

August: National Breastfeeding Month

September: Gynecological Cancer Awareness, NICU Awareness

October: Pregnancy + Infant Loss Awareness, Menopause Awareness

November: Prematurity Awareness, Adoption Awareness


**What do I do if I want to share my story?

-Click on the link below, and fill out the Google Form - info will be collected and synthesized, then featured in an upcoming blog in early to mid-December!

**What will this information be used for?

-Empowering yourself, as well as many other women and mothers through the power of storytelling! It will be incorporated into a blog post with additional comments and information/resources from mighty mOThers.

**Where can I find the blog post where my story is shared?

-You will receive an email with the draft before the blog is published, and a link to the blog. All blogs can be found at and our Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest pages. You could be internet famous!

**What if I don’t want people to know my name/where I live?

-Share any details you like - keep it general, or use a pseudonym if you prefer! Let us know, and we will follow your lead.

**I had my baby 25 years ago, but I still have a story to share. Should I share it?

-YES!! Anyone who is in the process of starting a family, has had a baby (or many), experienced loss, has adopted, or is a mother figure, is welcome to share.

If you'd like to contribute to our upcoming blog posts, and share YOUR motherhood, please click here:

And if you'd like to stay tuned and keep up-to-date on our upcoming blogs (plus get freebies, discounts, learn tips and tricks, and more!) join our newsletter here:

In love and mightiness,

mighty mOThers

Disclaimer: Content provided by mighty mOThers, LLC is informational in intent, and is not meant to replace or contradict guidance provided by your personal doctor, therapist, or other healthcare practitioner. Please contact your healthcare provider or schedule a 1:1 evaluation with an OT with specific concerns, and call 911 if you are having a physical or mental health emergency.

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