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mighty mOThers FAQ

Hello, mighty mother! We’re so glad you’re here. We wanted to share info on some of the most common questions about mighty mOThers to help you learn more about us and what we do!

What does mighty mOThers offer?

We offer in-person groups, virtual groups, self-paced virtual courses, and one-on-one sessions. We try to offer a variety of services that work for everyone, and we are skilled in addressing postpartum exercise, mental health, healthy routines for mama and family, the core and pelvic floor, sexuality, and much more.

I saw on your website that you’re an occupational therapist. What is that and how could this help me?

Occupational therapy is a profession focused on helping people thrive in their day to day lives and function at their very best, whatever that means to them. Occupational therapists help people of all ages and abilities engage in the activities that mean the most to them. We specialize in helping people navigate big transitions and can address both mental and physical health, which makes us perfect to help new moms flourish! Check out this resource here for more information about OT in general:

Owner and founder, Natalie Miller, has a 15 year background in OT, which she coupled with her passion for maternal health to create mighty mOThers. At mighty mOThers, we want to help you feel good about your physical and emotional health and feel proud of the life you’re building for you and your baby.

I don’t live in your area; can I still access any of your services?

Yes! You can still access our virtual groups, courses, and shop. Our virtual groups, when in session, are open to everyone, anywhere. Our virtual self-paced course can also be accessed from anywhere once purchased and downloaded and you can refer back to the course whenever you need. We also have some blogs, freebies, and an online shop that has options open to everyone.

What if I live in the Richmond area and I want to be face to face?

We would love to meet you and hear your story! Our in-person classes can be a great way to meet other moms in your area at the same stage as you. Our one-on-one sessions help us to really get to know your environment and what would work best for you. One-on-one Mom Mentoring sessions can be scheduled and delivered in-home in the Richmond area (and virtually in the state of Virginia). Think of these sessions as in-depth chats with a friendly face who gets it and can guide you through this major change.

What can I expect from a one-on-one session?

Our session is all about what you need! We will get to know your story, understand where you’re struggling or what changes you want to see, and tailor a plan to meet your goals. We will ask questions about you, your baby, your support system, your daily life, and your home to better understand how we can help and what would work best for you. From this, we can make specific recommendations to help get you where you want to be. This may need to take place over several sessions to ensure that we make the progress you need and make a lasting impact!

Do I have to be pregnant or have a newborn baby to seek services?

Nope! While we do work with moms to prep for postpartum and the arrival of their new little one, we love working with moms at all stages. We would still love to hear your story and help you in creating a path forward that works for you and your family- whether you’re the mom of an infant, toddler, or older child. We’re here for YOU!

I had a C-section. Do you know anything about how to help me?

YES! Natalie had two C-sections herself, AND has tons of experience helping people heal from surgeries and scars of all kinds. She has a not-so-secret love of all things C-section, and is totally on board to help you heal your scar, get more mobile, and return to activity safely.

So there we are! Thanks for taking the time to learn a little more about us. Have any questions you didn’t see answered here? Feel free to email and reach out whenever. You’re doing great, Mama!

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