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Your C-section Comeback

Questions? Let's chat! 

You can also reach out by email -

We understand firsthand that C-sections can be scary, and that they are major abdominal surgeries. Natalie has had 2 herself, so she gets it! She's here to hear you and give you a recovery plan to get you feeling confident and joyful on your journey. 

Rehab for your Scar, Core, Pelvic Floor, and Much More!

Meet before 6 weeks postpartum

We'll get you started on the right track with:

-Safer mobility to get around your house

-Strategies for healing + rebuilding your scar, core, and pelvic floor

-Doing daily life while healing from major surgery (think baby care, self-care, household)

-Learning sensory strategies for feeling touched-out and for co-regulation with baby 


Meet after 6 weeks postpartum

We'll do important follow-up work to:

-Check in, as questions, modify the plan as needed

-Do more focused scar work to set the groundwork for years to come

-Get started with easy, safe exercises to get back to physical activity

-Advance your mobility and function in the home and community

-Consider + plan for future: return to work, caring for baby/kiddos, and more

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For your C-section Comeback

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