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I am so happy you are here. First of all, huge hugs to you. Taking steps to look out for yourself isn't easy, but you deserve it. Know that you can love your sweet babe and ALSO need care, support, and understanding for yourself, too. 

mighty mOThers was born when I had my own two babies and realized that attention and guidance quickly switches from the pregnant mama to the baby, when the sweet and


confusing bundle arrives. I felt it deeply in my bones: wrap-around care from the lens of a maternal health specialist was such a needed  service to help bridge this gap. I'm here to see you, hear you, and walk next to you to find things that work for you and baby. Let's get you feeling like you again. Let's love baby and you along the way.

My Background:

  • BA in Psychology                          Dickinson College, 2005

  • Master's in Occupational Therapy University of Florida, 2008

  • Certified as a Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • Trained in Trauma-Informed Care

  • Trained in How to Run Mom + Baby Groups as an OT

  • Certified in Kinesiotape Application

  • Certified in Myofascial Release

  • 15 years of experience as an OT in the prehab and rehab of the body + mind

  • 10 years of experience as a mama

What moms are saying:

After a traumatic childbirth, I was struggling with how to care for myself and a new baby. Processing the physical and emotional changes of my day to day routine was never talked about in any baby prep books I read. Natalie helped me come up with practical solutions to my sudden change in time and energy. She also helped me prioritize what was really important to me. Thank you Natalie for helping this new mom ease into motherhood! -Lauren V.

My postpartum journey felt like a very isolating experience. Navigating motherhood and my other responsibilities as a student, wife, etc, felt really unmanageable and I felt like I didn't have the tools or support from other moms. The mom and baby group really allowed me to have a space to express my struggles and my mama wins with other moms. I felt listened to, heard, and I was able to take away strategies. each week to help me! -Danielle P.

As my friend and fellow mom, Natalie has been one of my biggest supporters in helping me to navigate the complexities of motherhood. She encourages patience and understanding, both with my children and with myself. Her uplifting spirit has helped me through some of my toughest days. -Amber L.

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